Hurt in order to heal

By Kathryn Davis
April 14, 2019

Whether it is telling someone how you feel about them or telling someone how you feel about a situation, we all tend to freeze up. Telling someone how you feel is one of the most difficult things to do.

If you are telling someone how you feel about them in a romantic way, there are multiple ways to do so. Feelings can get confusing, because sometimes you put yourself out there and you end up getting hurt, but you’ll be stuck with the “what ifs” if you do not.

You have to let someone know how you feel, even if it is the scariest thing you will ever do. If you keep your feelings bottled up inside, you will only drive yourself crazy. If you cannot find the words to express how you feel, try writing it out on paper. It is easier to say the words you want to say on paper, rather than in person.

Sometimes we hold on to the things that are actually holding us back. Closure is the hardest thing to receive from someone who does not know what they have before it is gone. You have to train your mind to know what is toxic in your life. Nobody understands why we fall in love or get attached to people, but we do.

Being attached to someone is a dangerous thing. Once they leave you are stuck with all these questions that you may never get the answer to. You have to let certain situations just be the way they are. You have to remember that some things truly are better left unsaid.

The heart truly wants what it wants. Even when you try to move on from someone or something, there are a million things that take you back to that time. You have to hurt in order to heal. Hurting is never easy, especially when it comes to the heart. You have to understand that the heart heals when it is ready to, not when you want it to.

We all have a fear of getting hurt. Heartbreak is not an easy thing. It comes in all forms such as a breakup, a friendship ending, or even losing someone you love. It can put a damper on your mood or even isolate yourself from your friends or family.

When it comes to friendships, you have to communicate how you feel. Some friendships end so quickly because people do not know how to respect the other people’s feelings. It is a common thing to hit bumps in the roads, but it is not common to hold on to a toxic friendship.

If you and your friend are fighting, do not just give up when things get hard. You have to work on friendships, because at the end of the day, those are the people that have your back the most. If the friend does not respect how you feel, then the friendship is not worth holding on to.

Heart love photo by Pixabay
Here is an image of people working together.
Photo Credits:

No matter what it is, life is too short to bottle up how you feel. Sometimes all you need is a talk to fix a million problems. Communication is the key. Never stop trying to work on your mindset or feelings. Always express how you feel because you will always find out who is really there for you, when you are truthful.

Chose people who never stop giving up on you, even when you give up on yourself. Trust your gut feelings when it comes to people, your feelings are never wrong. We tend to apologize for the way we feel, to protect others, but the biggest mistake you will make is being  so focused on protecting someone else’s heart and  you forget to protect your own.

What is meant to be will be. What is for you will find its way to you.

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Kathryn Davis

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